domingo, 15 de novembro de 2020



On Sunday (11/15), Brazilians will go to the polls to elect mayors, vice-mayors and councilors. The 2020 Municipal Elections, whose first round will be held on Sunday (15), will be the largest municipal election ever held in Brazil. the election is carried out in a safe and transparent manner, guaranteeing the full exercise of voter democracy, even in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

150.9 million voters are eligible to participate in the 2020 Municipal Elections. Women represent the majority of the electorate: 52.49%. Men represent 47.48%.

5,567 municipalities will have elections this year.

556,033 candidates dispute the voter's vote. Of these, 518,326 are for the position of councilor, 19,346 for mayor and 19,721 for vice mayor.

Voting is mandatory.

The results of the election, thanks to the electronic voting system used in Brazil, must be known by 9:00 pm or 10:00 pm. ie a few hours after closing.

That is, tonight !

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